Solutions sources:D

Saturday, March 14, 2009 <---controlled burning hmmm

source for justine and jenny good maps and diagrams:D


hey guys
(wow 3 posts in one day =P)
um i was looking over the powerpoint and i tried the sound thing in the begginning but it doesnt work
the window that pops up says:

"Windows Media Player cannot play the file. If the file is on another computer, verify that you are connected to the network. If you typed a path, verify that it is correct. If the problem persists, the server might not be available."

so we might have to fix that ^^"""

Scenes Update =)

Right so we changed scene 3 from a commercial to the report, so im just going to put that in writing, and yeah...

New Reporter-Maggie
Reporter at Scene-Justine
Fundraising Spokesperson-Jenny

script? and a confirmation of plans

hey guys, i saw the power point and its really good ;)
but i was wondering when we send the script to eachother...
i'm going to do my part of the script for the 19th
and also... heres a confirmation of the plans for the project as of now...

March 14th-Maggie sends the filled info presentation to everyone (all info is done)
March 16th-Justine begins to write the script based on the power point
March 18th-Maggie has refined the POwer POint and sends it to everyone
March 19th-Everyone is done refining the power point and sends it to everyone (FINAL POWER POINT)
March 19th- Everyone sends their parts of the script to justine
March 20th-Justine sends the script out to be edited by everyone
March 21st-Everyone is done editing the script and practices their lines (FINAL SCRIPT)
March 22nd-23rd-Props and costumes ready
March 25th-26th- PRACTICING AT LUNCH
March 27th-PRESENTATION!!!:D:D:D


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Here are sites i used: :)



You guys don't have to worry about the intro and the end of the presentation-
I'll just need a list of all the resources you guys used and anything else you'd want to include in the ending.

For the intro, I'll be bringing a camera to school to work some video :)
and for the ending i'll be putting up credits.

I've got my info typed up in the script as the beginning part
i dunno rly what we're going to do to get together if we're going to write it together
what i did isn't permanent and if you don't like what you're saying in the script you can change it.
I was thinking maybe, since the presentation is divided up into three scenes.
we each write the scene where we're the desk reporters (since thts the scene with our info in it)
the rest of us that aren't desk reporters are rly only there to add interest and make the presentation more authentic so we're not that important.
what do you think? :S

and then once the desk reporters are done writing their scenes and the whole play is completed. we'll all recieve a copy of the script and then everyone can make suggestions for changes in their own lines that they didn't write.

if you guys want to do this the desk reporter'll have to make sure the powerpoint corresponds to what she is saying in the script
*and when we switch to the reporter interviewer, she'll have to add in a realistic background for it.

k guys. btw jenny check ur inbox! I sent you the powerpoint!!! :))

Good link for music and sound effects=)

Thursday, March 5, 2009
very useful, i used this for my grade 7 and 8 claymations
safe and effective =D
lottsa choice too n.n

Citations ^^

rmber to cite all the info you get
just paste the links on that one post w/ the links
i think its called "Wildfires :O"


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hey guys ;)
Remember that we;re going to the library tmmr for Geo to work on the project =D
so bring anything you need

Also we should decide the actual TIMES for when everything should be sent to ppl (e.g. the script is due to be sent to everyone on March ... at 9:00 pm)



Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hey (:
soo this is just adding on to the post before about the awesome skit idea.

Scene 1:
News Reporter - Justine
Reporter at Scene - Jenny
Cop/Firefighter - Maggie

Scene 2:
News Reporter- Jenny
Reporter at Scene- Maggie
Farmer&Person affected by fire - Justine

Host - Maggie
Community Helper - Jenny
Person affected by fire - Justine

News Reporter
-black pants
-dress shirt? (something business-like)

Reporter at Scene
-Regular clothing
-Not jeans?

-Firefighter hat
-spray bottle/water gun/some cute little water spritzing thing.

Witness 1 (Farmer)
-Straw hat/worn out cap
-Garden Gloves
-Overalls/corduroys/jeans/baggy stuff?
-Some kind of worn out sweater/vest

Person affected by Fire
-Casual clothes

Fundraiser person
-Casual clothes

Presentation idea ;)

so i was thinking that we should do a news report for the presentattion and like use the power point for like scenery and main points during the report =)

Scene 1- main event is outlined, the scene of the fire is introduced (cause)

Scene 2- the problems the fires are causing, possible suspects( effects)

Scene 3- the relief efforts and fundraising (solutions)


so guys since we're doing a powerpoint for part of the presentation...

how about we each create a few slides on each of our assigned schtuff ;]


For our presentation on the 27th after March Break.
(we should be able to finish our work by then without having to get together at someone's house)
The images that we'll probably need are:

- Map of Australia (and if possible showing the number and locations of the wildfires)
- Numerous images of wildfires
- Pictures of wildfire fighters
- Before and after of an area where a wildfire hit
- Statistics & charts
- script
- powerpoint

*For the script, we'll have to come up with a main idea together (we'll have to make sure that it includes our powerpoint presentation that is running the background)
But after we have the idea, One person will have to take it home and write it.
Then she'll type it up and send it to everyone.
If anyone needs to make any changes they'll edit them and then send the new copy out again.

We'll probably want the script to be done by at least mid March break if not earlier so that we'll be able to read over our lines or make any changes.

**For the powerpoint, one person just needs to start it off, save it as the wildfire project ppt. and then enter her info into it. When she's done she can just save it and email it to the next person who has their info done and ready to enter into the powerpoint. Each person'll customize their own slides.

******!!! So the plan is
March 9th--> we're all finished our inforesearch stuff.
March 12th (later date cuz of sci test)--> Justine is finished entering info and sends it to Jenny
March 14th --> Jenny passes it onto the Maggie
March 16th--> Maggie sends the 'filled in with info' presentation to everyone
March 16th--> justine begins to write the play based on the play plans
March 18th--> maggie has refined the presentation and sends it out to everyone
March 20th --> justine sends script out to be edited by everyone
March late 19th--> everyone is about done refining the powerpoint. (last minute changes)
March 21st--> the script is done being edited and everyone practices their lines
22nd- 23rd --> props/costumes ready
25th- 26th--> in between anytime at lunch all of us are free for practicing
27th --> Presentation!!!!! :)

Wildfire Topics

For our presentation we need three seperate topics for each of us to research seperately right?
These three topics should cover all the assignement questions.

1) What is the issue? (Justine)
2) Who are the key players? Evil people setting the fires :P (Jenny)
3.)Fundraising and relief efforts (Maggie)
4.) Why is this an issue? Discuss all sides in detail. (Jenny)
5.) Where is the issue taking place? (Justine)
6.) When did the issue first develop? Keep in mind, this issue may have started because of a different issue. (justine)
7.) What are the two possible solutions to the issue/problem? Be sure to be realistic in your solutions and explain how the solution would solve the problem. (Maggie)

Wildfiiiire :O

Heeeello :)
i found a pretty good site.. i think.

here's more =)
updated March 5.

FUNDRAISING <-- this rrlly cool virtual dog shhow fundraiser for teh wildfires =D <---red cross and others <-cyprus <--UN wildfire assesment <--IMPORTANT SOLUTIONS
<-- Band reunites to play a benefit concert for the disaster =) <-- SOUND CHECK,22049,25063430-5001021,00.html <--pink donates! <--more on sound check,21985,25208682-2902,00.html <--sound check profits and results

first post!!
