Wildfire Topics

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

For our presentation we need three seperate topics for each of us to research seperately right?
These three topics should cover all the assignement questions.

1) What is the issue? (Justine)
2) Who are the key players? Evil people setting the fires :P (Jenny)
3.)Fundraising and relief efforts (Maggie)
4.) Why is this an issue? Discuss all sides in detail. (Jenny)
5.) Where is the issue taking place? (Justine)
6.) When did the issue first develop? Keep in mind, this issue may have started because of a different issue. (justine)
7.) What are the two possible solutions to the issue/problem? Be sure to be realistic in your solutions and explain how the solution would solve the problem. (Maggie)


Jbaek said...

I've got the first one covered! :)

Mag-J said...

ill do the last one n.n

Jen Chum said...

okay that means i have the second one :]

Mag-J said...

ill do the fighting fires bits =)eheh

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